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afingerscrossedI can’t help thinking as I read the lectionary psalm for today (15) how timeless the messages of Scripture often are. As we think of those who might be found “on God’s holy mountain,” we might include “the one who walks blamelessly and does justice; who thinks the truth in her heart and slanders not with his tongue…” (vs.2-3)

I am further moved to reflection by the commentary that notes its similarity with modern-day definitions of a good, virtuous person, saying that “[T]here is an ethical and moral basis which seems common to both the ancient and modern worlds. Clearly men and women in the ancient world were seeking to define ethical behavior. Perhaps it enters this Psalm because it was of such critical importance that they do so.”

As we await the resolution of the issue in our Congress about the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court we would do well to note the continuation of that commentary as a guide for our discourse in the matter and consider it in that light.

“Notice that such a definition is is in direct relationship to the divine. Abraham was called a ‘friend’ of God, one who knew God-in-relationship. This Psalm is about that kind of friendship, but it is not simply one-on-one. Whoever seeks for a relationship with God (for the divine friendship) must come seeking right-relationship not only with God but with everything.” (Ancient Songs Sound Anew, p. 33)